7-9 November 2018: Project Meeting in Zilina with Transfer Agents

From November 7th to 9th the CHANGE team met in Zilina, Slovakia, with our advisors, Pat O'Connor and Andy Dainty to discuss our first gender benchmarking reports on our institutional status quos.

From November 7th to 9th the CHANGE team met in Zilina, Slovakia, with our advisors, Pat O'Connor and Andy Dainty to discuss our first gender benchmarking reports on our institutional status quos. Furthermore, we included our five Transfer Agents (TAs are managers and/or gender equality experts from our participating organisations) to begin co-producing knowledge in a very interactive workshop setting.

This TA-workshop has been a very important event for our project, and we agreed on these three main characteristics of CHANGE as basis to our success:

  1. We have Transfer Agents (TAs) in our teams who have authority in and knowledge about their organisations and thus can help implementing structural change. They are ideally ‚gender champions‘ or feminist leaders like our advisor Andy Dainty, Dean at Loughborough University.
  2. We want to bridge the knowledge-to-action-gap by co-producing gender equality knowledge together (in our group of very diverse people from different disciplinary, cultural backgrounds; plus with relevant stakeholders too).
  3. We focus on ‘key sites of inequality in our organisations' (a term we learned from our advisor Pat O‘Connor) and we start immediately to work on them, starting with quick actions, to build strategic change on the momentum of quick wins.