26 March 2019: Mutual Learning Workshop, Berlin

Our CHANGErs Anita Thaler, Sandra Karner (IFZ, Coordination) and Jennifer Dahmen-Adkins (RWTH, Monitoring & Evaluation) participated in a mutual learning workshop organised by the EC funded project Gender Action in Berlin. The goal was to exchange best-practice experiences and knowledge in the framework of sister projects on structural change. The outcome was an elaborated discussion on how to overcome obstacles and move towards concrete policy recommendations. The present gender experts decided that policy briefs about structural change for EC as well as member states should be formulated focusing on 
1. legislation & rules, 
2. budget & incentives, 
3. gender in research, 
4. including public, private & business sectors, 
5. monitoring, and 
6. applying an intersectional non-binary approach.