Fifteen faces, fifteen professional stories linked to the university...
The University of Žilina (Slovakia) presents the photo exhibition "Women at university" in the main library of the Žilina region (Krajská knižnica v Žiline).The photographs give the visitors the opporunity to "meet" selected skilled women. The accompanying texts enable the visitors to learn about their dreams and ideas of a professional career from their childhood and student days.
Surprisingly, none of them has ever dreamed of a job at university. Maybe they didn't know that this is something they can dream about...?
In addition to covering the project in the media, the photo exhibition was promoted at selected schools. In this way, we hope to inspire female pupils and students in particular, as soon as they have to decide on a profession.
"Women at university" will be presented in Krajská knižnica v Žiline until the end of October 2020.