Equipa portuguesa do projeto CHANGE participa na conferência final do projeto SUPERA

Carina Jordão, member of the Portuguese team of the CHANGE project (UAVR), participated in the final conference of the SUPERA - Supporting the Promotion of Equality in Research and Academia project, entitled "Beyond ticking the box: sustainable, innovative and inclusive GEPs". The conference took place on March 25th, between 9am and 4:30pm (CET), in a hybrid format (at the Moncloa Campus of the Complutense University of Madrid and online).
The event was attended by members of the different institutions of the SUPERA Consortium, as well as several professionals and experts in gender equality in Research and Higher Education sectors. This initiative allowed for sharing and discussion of experiences, of apprenticeships, promising practices and challenges for the sustainability of gender equality actions and policies in the institutions of the scientific system.